

You may have noticed that things look a little different than they used to. I’ve been wanting to find a new look for the site for a long fucking time. Specifically, I wanted a design similar to the web logs I used to run in my teen years and early twenties, something that has become incredibly difficult to find these days. Posts in the middle, one sidebar for pertinent information, another sidebar to let new readers know who I am and to put goofy bull shit on, a header that lets you know that I spend a lot of fucking time writing about games, loads quickly and looks good. Used to be able to find that shit super easily. Everything these days has to be in a “magazine” format (see example: any news site that you hate navigating), or has to have a bunch of ugly shit that takes too long to load, or is all about SEO or something. Have I mentioned that I hate the modern internet lately?

I found this current theme, but I’m not really feeling it, but I’m running with it for at least a little while. May have to just say “fuck it” and actually learn advanced CSS instead of relying on pre-made stuff. Or maybe I’ll be like my fellow cool kids (aka fucked up tranny freaks) and do something “minimalist.” I don’t know. I get very indecisive when my initial choice isn’t available. Blaming this on my recently diagnosed autism, a diagnosis that will surprise absolutely nobody but me. Definitely explains a lot in hindsight, at least.

Other than struggling with site design and plugging away at my game (things are looking good, but I have since learned to keep stuff close to my chest until it’s time to have a solid announcement), I started up a new run in Morrowind, as it has been suggested that I try out an Argonian. I picked a very lore-friendly name:

Anyways, that’s my not often enough “Update” post. See you all again when my next article drops tomorrow.
